B2B Payments


Made Easy

Tranch is the payments platform for businesses who want to pay and get paid faster and easier.

Find out more about our Pay Now or Pay Later checkout up to 500k. Sign up in 2 minutes or schedule a demo.

Pay An InvoiceGet Paid Faster

Pay with Tranch products are trusted by

Paul Hastings logo
Gunderson logo
Goodwin logo
Wiggin & Dana logo
Breef logo
Encord logo

Choose Tranch for your B2B payments

40% Fasterto receive payment with Tranch solutions50% Reductionin payments via check1.5Baverage revenue of our partnersZerocredit risk for your company

Tranch Payment Technology

Through our payment technology you can offer your business customers a secure, consumer-like checkout experience with built-in Pay Now, Pay Later and Pay by Card functionality for frictionless payments.

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Legal Fees 2024

Pay Services, Inc.
Invoice Value:
Invoice Ref:
Invoice Fee:

Select Payment Term

Select a product for your approved invoice. Your vendor receives payment <24 hours.

Pay Over3 months
per month
103000 Total
Pay Over6 months
per month
106000 Total
Pay Over9 months
per month
109000 Total
Pay Over12 months
per month
112000 Total

What can Tranch do for your business?

Fast and easy
Whether you opt to Pay Now, Pay Later or Pay by Card, pay on your terms seamlessly via Tranch.

Safe and secure
With our encryption, we protect your information always.

Smarter way to pay
Control your payments and spend using the latest technology, with 24/7 support and without any hidden fees.

Businesses we support include:

Customer and Partner Testimonials

The greatest feedback we received once we introduced Tranch’s Pay Later and Pay Now options on clients’ billing statements was how convenient the payment options and process has become."

Bryan Rosenberg, Director of Finance at Gunderson Dettmer.

Our clients are happy because they can pay on their terms for our legal guidances, our partners are happy because they are able to focus on the clients’ growth, and our team is happy because we are saving them time booking more revenue ahead of year-end."

Senior Director of Revenue, AMLaw 40 Firm.

Our customers want to pay on their terms as they grow their marketing campaigns on Breef. Tranch gives our customers payment flexibility, so they never have to compromise on growth goals."
George Raptis, Co-Founder and CEO, Breef.
About Tranch

Find out more about Tranch, our values, key facts and opportunities to join us on our mission.

© 2024 Tranch. All rights reserved.

Tranch is the trading name of Tranch, Inc. registered in Delaware and its group entities with mailing address: 169 Madison Avenue, Suite 2253, New York, 10016, US. UK registered address: 16-20 Chiswell Street, London, EC1Y 4TW, UK (Zero Degress Holding Company Limited, a subsidiary of Tranch Inc., is registered with the FCA with reference no. 965124).